rockcurrent2022-02-04 13:49:55

Starting from year of 2022, Park cananad will support doctors in BC, Saskatchewan, Maniotba and Ontario to prescribe Park Canada Discovery annual pass to their patients who are suffering from mental ilness, stress and discomforts. What a benifit!


Growing up, and living and working in Toronto, cardiologist Dr. Sherryn Rambihar always felt more comfortable in the city. But with lockdown measures isolating them from family and friends, she and her family suddenly found themselves connecting to nature. Travelling beyond their neighbourhood in Midtown Toronto, they explored Ontario’s provincial parks for the first time, camping, bird-watching and stargazing.

“The more distance I had from hospital walls, the more I felt I could breathe freely,” says Rambihar. “Nature helps me adapt to the uncertainty I face in work and life, and grounds me in what’s real and important. I truly believe my children will remember this pandemic time as exhilarating and memorable because of the time we’ve spent out in nature.”

移花接木2022-02-04 15:11:04
美轮美奂, 热爱自然的加拿大人, 在把加拿大游遍之前,没必要出国的, 看得我都想得精神病了, 得了精神病整个人都变得更精神了.
妖妖灵2022-02-04 15:23:59
Nice PaRx!I think GymRx would be very helpful,too!
忒忒绿2022-02-04 16:02:00
could the people go in the parks without doctors’ Rx?:)
移花接木2022-02-04 16:10:46
yes, with a pay
安卓手机2022-02-04 16:52:41
这个好,今天book appointment
rockcurrent2022-02-04 17:22:17
rockcurrent2022-02-04 17:23:36
梅雨潭2022-02-08 23:12:37
恭喜RC。首页进来,谢谢网管,Park prescription 推荐成功