rockcurrent2022-04-02 04:09:42

Several years ago, I built a solid cherry wood bed for my son, but I noticed the dresser in his room started to fall apart and decided to build a matching dresser for his bed. 
As the bed is cherry so I contined to use cherry to make the dresser. The designed dresser has three-tier and 7 drawers. The traditonal mortis and tenon connection  was used in the frame structure  work. For the drawers, I decided to try some connections I never used before: the dove tail connection.

Here is the frame work before staining.

Frame work afte oil and clear coat finishing


Dove tail connection

妖妖灵2022-04-02 04:37:32
rockcurrent2022-04-02 13:50:21
谢谢美风的夸奖. 照着你家的dresser做的,还是让你给看出来的. 特意加了两个深色walnut的边,也没逃过你的眼睛
俏君2022-04-02 17:02:53
chuntianle2022-04-03 04:47:49