天边一片白云2022-02-13 14:53:55

When did you get your first love letter? What was your feeling when you got your first love letter?Feeling loved, cherished, accepted, desired, special, or important?

I got my first "love letter" in my first year of college .

One day, I was studying by myself in a classroom, sitting in a cornor of  the first row. I stayed passed 12pm to avoid the lunch time rush hour in the caferterior.

 Suddenly,  a wad of paper landed on my desk. I hesitanted a little bit and then opened out the crumpled paper.  A few words appeared in front of me.

"You have beautiful eyes"

My sensitive face suddenly blushed and embarrassment climbed on my brows.

I turned around and looked back. All other students were gone. There was only one guy sitted two rows behand me, looking at me, with a smile on his face--a smile which seemed to me  taunting .

I felt angry and frightened.

The words “liu-mang” (流氓) flashed into my head.

I rapidly put my pen and books into my bag and rushed out to door close to me.

Scared to look back, I flew down to stairs and walked quickly out of the exit of the building and up to a road. Only then I slowed down and drew a long breath.

Later on, I recalled on this and amused by my self-flatering and overreaction.

That was scarey then, this is funny now.

To the memory of my lost youth, as well as my once beautiful and sparking  eyes.

妖妖灵2022-02-13 15:43:09
LOL,interesting!Poor boy!Is the pic of eyes ur paining?
ibelieu2022-02-13 16:38:24
Ah, a good story about youth, innocent youth.
心存善念2022-02-13 16:52:07
如果那是个英俊男生,他走过来说“自我介绍一下,我是高大尚,就想告诉你 - 你有双美丽的眼睛”
妖妖灵2022-02-13 17:03:10
心存善念2022-02-13 17:07:14
他们有没有说"你有一双温柔的眼睛,你有善解人意的心灵。" :)
天边一片白云2022-02-13 17:19:53
妖妖周日好。My daughter painted those eyes.
天边一片白云2022-02-13 17:21:27
天边一片白云2022-02-13 17:23:23
天边一片白云2022-02-13 17:24:17
you see the sparking in someone's eyes.
天边一片白云2022-02-13 17:30:28
well said. added. thank you, Ibelieu.
心存善念2022-02-13 17:58:55
CLary2022-02-13 18:34:46
Sweet memory now,though it wasn’t sweet at that time:).
心存善念2022-02-13 19:00:50
CLary2022-02-13 19:27:45
何仙姑2022-02-13 20:52:35
心存善念2022-02-13 20:54:30
何仙姑2022-02-13 21:01:59
心存善念2022-02-13 21:36:58
妖妖灵2022-02-13 22:24:05
妖妖灵2022-02-13 22:34:01
心存善念2022-02-13 23:39:47
心存善念2022-02-13 23:41:27
CLary2022-02-14 00:51:13
梅雨潭2022-02-14 01:12:03
恭喜白云。首页进来,谢谢网管,英文什锦菜 A "Love Letter" 推荐成功
妖妖灵2022-02-14 04:21:39
我觉得四个字形容我那时的感觉: 不知所措 :)
疏影笑寒2022-02-14 23:09:18
甜虫虫2022-02-15 01:01:19
天边一片白云2022-02-15 18:42:40
Clary 好!主要是高中时光学习学呆了,刚上大学还没适应过来。
天边一片白云2022-02-15 18:44:11
Thank you, 仙姑。
天边一片白云2022-02-15 18:47:16
天边一片白云2022-02-15 18:52:02