English to Chinese:
Days before the so-called Freedom Convoy reached Ottawa, starting a weeks-long occupation of Canada’s capital and triggering a string of copy-cat blockades, the federal government was warned that violent extremist groups were deeply involved in the protest movement.
Saving grace
Ageing's one saving grace is you worry less about what people think.
Prof. Happyyl's songs is a saving grace to all of his friends after his passing.
" In Memeory of Happyyl " 前几日还互动嬉笑的文学城老友Happyyl教授忽然离世, 让人不胜唏嘘.
又听了他当年这首引起爆笑的歌, 不仅感叹: 小时候我们哭着哭着就笑了, 成年后笑着笑着就哭了.