妖妖灵2022-09-01 01:38:43

小 k's “The icing on the cake” reminds me of “walk on thin ice”. icing and ice, with the same root, 这算接龙,对吗?:)


Last night, I was curious and read the biography of Jiang Zemin in wiki. He said at the time when he was nominated as the President of China, he felt like "walking on thin ice". 如临深渊,如履薄冰.

 The latter “walk on thin ice” is exactly like the English idiom.

So,the world is small,and languages are similar. :)


walk on thin ice

1. To act or proceed with great care, caution, and consideration so as not to upset someone or trigger some imminent disaster.
kirn2022-09-01 04:43:59
Exactly! 如履薄冰. 明天来接龙:)))
妖妖灵2022-09-01 05:24:53
天边一片白云2022-09-01 14:12:48
haha, 好玩。
移花接木2022-09-01 14:52:34
我还以为冰太滑, 容易摔倒
妖妖灵2022-09-01 16:33:54
妖妖灵2022-09-01 16:35:20
天边一片白云2022-09-01 17:22:47
chuntianle2022-09-04 05:42:49
赞灵灵,你的英语越来越好了。 节日快乐。