妖妖灵2022-09-19 17:26:35

To my surprise,I checked a work email and just knew that “September 17th is recognized National Physician Suicide Awareness Day. 

Physicians are at a higher risk of suicide and suicidal ideation than the general population. This is a complex and devastating crisis. They have faced tremendous grief and stress. ”

Seems one needs to be strong mentally and physically if he/she wants to be a doctor in the US.

What do you think? 

移花接木2022-09-19 18:14:58
一个脱口秀, Physicians r 2nd highest risk of suicide, the 1st one
妖妖灵2022-09-19 21:36:28
LOL. 什么时候开始的?有个实习生告诉我有医院一年几个住院医suicide,太惊讶了~
枫林晓2022-09-20 04:04:52
梅雨潭2022-09-21 02:43:43
恭喜妖妖。首页进来,谢谢网管,坑:Anybody wants to be a physician? 进来看看:推荐成功
clipsalw2022-09-21 15:31:05
妖妖灵2022-09-21 17:29:56
不是。这是National day,是医生们的压力太大造成的。
jianchi90902022-09-25 02:59:18
妖妖灵2022-09-25 22:24:46