kirn2022-10-03 20:21:03

Drivers may have not realized that one day you might bond with your very personal choice of Apple or Android when coming to purchase a viechle.

The auto industry and silicon valley have one last unconquered part in the battleground----your dashboard panel. However, it is not hard to imagine eventually consumers will face either an apple interface or Android display when driving their cars. No different than talking to Google or Alexa and installing whatever app on our smartphones, our cars will drive in the spirit of data management software---- the soul of a car is now the operation system, not our brains and the gas pedal.

Like it or not, we are more strangled in Monopolies than ever. The more our supplies and gadgets get electrified, the more programed we become. The more we want to control our modern life, the more we empower those gigantic companies to control us.


盈盈一笑间2022-10-04 01:26:50
我怎么觉得还是我们的大脑和油门踏板,比无人驾驶更让人放心呢 :)
妖妖灵2022-10-04 01:37:30
kirn2022-10-04 01:44:44
kirn2022-10-04 01:45:28
kirn2022-10-04 01:46:14
妖妖灵2022-10-04 01:51:34
kirn2022-10-04 01:59:52
忒忒绿2022-10-04 16:17:00
梅雨潭2022-10-05 03:53:39
恭喜小k。首页进来,谢谢网管,What does Google and Apple's bid on the 推荐成功