唵啊吽2022-10-19 03:57:56

Do China and Vietnam view Buddha as a God? If not, why do they pray to Buddha? Is Buddha superior to Confucius?

Modern Buddhism has been Confucianized. The original Buddhism literature was written in Sanskrit, a dead ancient language. Authentic Buddhism literature today is in Chinese. Buddhism literature was translated from Sanskrit to Chinese at White Horse Temple almost two thousand years ago, sponsored by then the secular governments of the Han Dynasty and later Tang Dynasty.

Buddhism is then, similar to Confucian and Taoism, a Humanist religion. Every sentimental being can be a Buddha according to Buddhism theology. The ultimate Human realization is to become a Buddha. Human is intrinsically good so everyone is a Buddha potentially.

Buddhism therefore never discriminates against nonbelievers. It treats believers and non-believers equally and the same. They are all Buddhas lost in the mundane world.

Buddhism reaches its high with Platform Sutra, and Zen is well-recognized by Psychiatry academics as a healthy mental practice.

Repent and convert to Buddhism. Humans can reach salvation by Human himself, without the need for a deity, and without resorting to war between believers and non-believers.

移花接木2022-10-19 17:40:12
佛教的六道轮回之说可能难以获得更多的追随者, 但是佛教的道理学说确被更多非佛教人士接受, 或许佛学是比佛教更恰当的称谓.
移花接木2022-10-19 17:41:19
如孔孟之道, 佛学也是一种学说吧
妖妖灵2022-10-19 17:58:44