唵啊吽2022-10-21 22:32:34

Is China an autocratic country?


No. Western vocabulary lacks the capability to describe China. The Chinese government is a People's Democratic Dictatorship. According to the Chinese Constitution, the government is operating according to the principle of Centralized Democracy. The Centralized Democracy is an interactive democracy. The government is not passively executing whatever the parliament rules and the Prime Minister dictates. The government has to reach out to the grass root to find out what the people need and want so as to formulate public policy. When they carry out the government policies, they also seek feedback from the grass root and refine the policies. It is an Iterative and incremental democratic process. As a result, the grass root of the people and the government are perpetually in interaction to refine the government policies, making the policies evolves incrementally.

Western democracy, on the other hand, can only hear the voice of people every 4 years from the voters. Once the election passed, the grass root lost control of the policy formation process, getting what the politicians promised but not what they expected during the election campaign. As a result, Western democracy makes government policy change abruptly, such as Obama Care which was overthrown by Tramp.

In the west, the grass root of a party discusses and proposes policies. The policies proposed by the grass root distorted during the party conventions. The policies formed in the convention were ignored by the caucus on the House Floor. The legislative process is influenced more by lobbyists than by the party grass root. A campaign slogan becomes two thousand pages of a document, with legal jargon protecting all the interest groups. The bill passed in parliament is then distorted in the execution by the executive branches. The people suffered all the side effects of the unintended consequences, swallowing the consequence as “what they want” in the election, while interest groups guarded and expanded their interest in whatever direction policy changes.

Chinese interactive democracy is a much more effective democracy than western democracy.

妖妖灵2022-10-22 01:58:55
移花接木2022-10-22 02:41:26
no question about it.
移花接木2022-10-22 02:42:00
Not Hereditary Monarchy is a big step forward
jianchi90902022-10-22 13:34:46
中国没有西方的民主。 中国只是有:当官要为民做主的,对官的要求和责任。但是真做主假作主,是看官的良心的。民几乎无力。
梅雨潭2022-10-22 22:54:39
恭喜唵啊吽。首页进来,谢谢网管,Is China an autocratic country? 推荐成功
亿莲2022-10-23 00:42:59
China is a tyrannical country.
maggieb2022-10-23 01:32:35
对对对 中国是全过程民主,是全宇宙民主的灯塔
maggieb2022-10-23 01:38:59
maggieb2022-10-23 01:42:33
游水皖鱼2022-10-23 02:55:43
“Chinese interactive democracy”? very funny
妖妖灵2022-10-23 03:38:51
欢迎maggie来美坛玩!美坛的推荐帖是和英文有关,与政治观点无关~ 支持百家争鸣,欢迎网友各抒己见~
林外芭蕉2022-10-23 15:48:42
"Chinese interactive democracy is a much more effective..."