freemanli012020-12-03 00:20:05


清海无上师是我绝对信任的人,通常她是不关心政治的,这次很特殊。在9月中旬就出人意料地开始谈到选举和川普(Link)。我对川普总统的认同、观感,前几篇已经说了(Link),这里不再重复。今天发现Facebook竟然把川普的总统头衔给去掉了,不可思议。如果从心理学来看,那些左媒,Big Tech,就像普通Nerd一样,如果生活中太过于浸淫于电脑和人工智能的工作时,他们会有一种自己可以控制一切的幻觉,认定他们所工作的场所和对象,就是整个世界。就像当年拉普拉斯说的“我的系统里不需要上帝”,人在这种癫狂状态中,不知道他眼前的那个世界,只是一个很小的世界。他们认定自己想怎么干,就怎么干。也许,美国的幸运在于有一个广大的中部地区,做为稳定社会心智的基本盘,不至于像很多只知道发展技术的星球那样,被物质和技术狂热分子控制、劫持,最后毁灭。

美国总统唐纳?川普阁下与上帝的盟约 2020.11.29,其中提到全球至少有90多个人能看见川普总统的天选使命。

Elections 2020 & The Destiny of America Oct 19,2020

Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj的视频讲了很多具体的内容,他提到,上帝希望Trump再干四年。而且说,Make America Great Again 这句话大概是上帝放到他嘴里的;如果川普的对立面上台,美国可能会堕落下去。所以这次选举非常关键。他的视频是十月份上传的,当时就提到我们一定要祈祷,不仅仅是11月三日选举前,而是要继续,因为中间可能翻盘;一直祈祷,直到1月20日把川普送到总统的位置。这是上帝的意旨,为了美国和世界的和平、福祉,人民的自由。其中也提到天堂可以看见川普的内心在流血,受到的攻击太多了,他孤独地向上帝祈祷,但还是坚持继续。



Trump 在12.02的讲话。强调必须“有效的、签名验证的”选票。这难道不是最基本的要求吗?民主党有什么正当的理由反对呢?他们真的是为了上台不惜让流氓无产者为自己站台吗?


下面是灵媒画家Ricardo Colon的作品,看上去也是很冲击,英文是作者的原注。想起那首歌---给我一双慧眼吧。事情越来越有意思了。

Dec 24, 2018
Title: Not alone
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I kept getting this vision. I'm not into politics, I'm into Jesus. I'm only painting what the Holy Spirit has shown more than once. Should I provide an interpretation of what we are seeing? I think not the painting speaks louder than any words I can provide. But I will say the man you see seated on that desk is the man that for such a time as this has been elected to fulfill the mandate of God assigned to him. We must come alongside him and pray like never before. The angels you see in this painting are the results of your prayers.

For eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying... 

Hello, family, God bless. This morning as I was jogging and listening to worship music. I saw this vision of President Trump at the debate podium. I saw that he was with his eyes closed as if contemplating. As I began to pray I saw Jesus right behind him. Then I heard the accusations, the lies, the exaggerations being hurled at the president. But he would not respond the way he always responds, fast and bold. No, this time he was answering questions but he was not defending himself. I then thought of the one who was standing behind him when he was accused and brought to the cross he did not say a word to his defense. I then heard Trump say the people know me, they know that what I say I do and I do what I say. This is a very interesting turn from the very exuberant, bold, witty, brash person he is, to a very humbled and quiet person, assured that he was going to win.

For eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying. 
