Paul_100952022-09-19 07:03:52

Scorching Heat and Cold Wind: Read King David's Story



Thank God, my wife and I entering senior ages have safely spent, behind closed doors, the hottest day on record in our local history: a high of 47°C! Also afraid of heat, Killua, a 5-month-old kitten that our daughter entrusted to us, played an Almond with shell-on on the tile floor like ice hockey one moment. Another moment, Killua hid in a canvas and touched quickly my wife's hand that was splitting almonds, with the flesh part of its small paws. Because the air conditioner is running, everyone is happy.



The Bible took me to the scenes of ancient Israel more than 3,000 years ago: "A commander of a thousand in his twenties named David, with six hundred strong men, was pursued by the evil king who was his father-in-law. David was a righteous man. He neither stole nor robbed during the exile. After heard that a nearby rich man with 3,000 sheep was celebrating the sheep shearing festival, he sent several young soldiers to politely ask the rich man for some food. Unexpectedly, although the rich man was a descendant of the mighty warrior Caleb who was as famous as Joshua, he maltreated David badly: The wicked rich man first accused David of betraying his master, King Saul, who tried to kill David out of suspicion and jealousy regardless of the fact that David had made extraordinary combat contributions. Next, the wicked rich man disdained David and his father, while ignoring the fact that Samuel, as the prophet and high priest, had anointed David as king, and ignoring the miracle of David's courageous victory over the giant Goliath. After listened to the reports of the young soldiers who returned empty-handed, David was indignant and selected four hundred soldiers to set off immediately, vowed to kill the wicked rich man and all males in his family.



Several young shepherds for the wicked rich man heard his inappropriate remarks to David’s soldiers. As they had benefited from the protection by David’s soldiers, they couldn’t hold back and rushed to the hostess. Fortunately, the hostess was a wise and virtuous woman. She hurriedly brought large amounts of gifts to David to make amends, and commended David for fighting for Jehovah in the past and the present. David accepted the hostess' apology, called off the military operation, and thanked God for preventing a slaughter that would also shed the blood of innocents. Unexpectedly, ten days later, God took the life of the wicked rich man. David remembered the righteousness of the hostess and adopted her as a wife."



The Proverb of the Bible describes right words as gold apples falling on silver plates. The slander of the wicked rich man undoubtedly ignited the wrath of the young,dismayed David. It almost caused David to commit a sin against God by killing innocents that possibly include some godly descendants of the righteous Caleb. Thanks to God who moved the hostess, and gave her the words like the cold wind in scorching heat to quiet David down. It is worth mentioning that, according to the Bible, King David was no longer easily provoked by verbal insults after that, even to his last day of life. God is just, and judged the wicked rich man in time, which confirmed his promise: "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay."



In two days, the ten-day ultra-high heat wave will end. May the words of God and its testimony in the life of his faithful servant King David be like the cold wind in scorching heat, cherished in the hearts of those who take refuge in him, producing overflowing fragrance and good fruit spiritually.


Songs: “God So Loved”(by We The Kingdom, 2020; YouTube),“Words”(by Hawk Nelson, 2012; YouTube)。

Gold Verse: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”(Ephesians 4:29)


