colorangla2021-07-11 16:16:04

Beautiful peacock, 美麗的孔雀,

孔雀的羽毛絢麗多彩, 構成大型的眼狀斑, 好像無數小鏡子, 鮮艷奪目, 孔雀是吉祥鳥的象徵, 它體態優美, 丹口玄目, 是最愛自由與和平的鳥, 是吉祥幸福、善良美麗、高潔華貴的象徵。

The feathers of the peacock are colorful, forming large eye-shaped spots, like countless small mirrors, bright and dazzling. The peacock is a symbol of auspicious bird. It has a graceful posture, and it is a bird that loves freedom and peace. It is auspicious and happy. , A symbol of kindness, beauty, elegance and luxury.


竹林的故事2021-07-13 00:27:34