alsatian2009-05-27 20:52:52
11 months german shepherd, nothing wrong whith her these days, but from yesterday I found she has the short leg problem, someone says it is normal when german shepherd is growing up, but it seems today her short leg problem seems worse, a bit worried about this.

any advice, thanks
苏北土猫2009-05-27 21:00:01
Rusty2009-05-27 21:14:44
等德牧的家长吧来回答吧,要排除是Hip dysplasia (HD)
Rusty2009-05-27 21:15:41
也可能是生长过程中的growing pain.
alsatian2009-05-27 21:33:21
回复:也可能是生长过程中的growing pain.
alsatian2009-05-27 21:34:09
Rusty2009-05-27 21:37:40
小小巧克力豆家的machi had a growing pain for while when he was young
alsatian2009-05-27 21:45:02
Her problem is with the front right leg, Hip dysplasia (HD)
alsatian2009-05-27 21:49:02
what is the sympton of growing pain
Rusty2009-05-27 21:59:13
it is ture if she only has the problem of her front leg.
羊脂玉净瓶2009-05-28 00:19:08
alsatian2009-05-28 07:05:26
jasondand2009-05-28 15:24:53
alsatian2009-05-29 12:37:14
thanks, she is recovering, but another problem of skin
羊脂玉净瓶2009-05-30 03:44:49