九楼的风景2010-07-13 00:51:24
去年年底我家狗狗诊断出得了heart murmur, 今天早上第二次做ultrosound, 请教看的懂的家长, 到底我家狗够的状况如何。 另外近期我想要带狗狗回国, 请大家给我个意见, 在目前这种状况下, 狗狗能不能承受的了长途飞行。 万分感谢。

Findings: there is mild to moderate modeling of the mitral valvular edges that have an irregular to bulbous appearance. Only mild regurgitation of the mitral valve is noted on color flow assessment. The left atrium is at the high end of normal limits. Left ventricular function is assessed by fractional shortening is within normal limits. No pericardial or pleural effusion is observed.

Interpretations: modeling of the mitral valve consistent with myxomatous degeneration. No significant of the left ventricle in diastole with decreased overall fractional shortening. These findings are consistent with mild progression of disease with left ventricular dilatation and loss of hyperdynamic function

Comments: at his point it is difficult to say if patient will develop overt left congestive heart failure. However, no evidence of left atrial enlargement (precursor of left congestive heart failure ) or left ventricular functional failure is present at time of imaging. Consider thoracic radiographs to serve as base line for future comparisons and to assess for pulmonary venous congestion or evidence of pulmonary infiltrates.
夏奈尔2010-07-13 01:04:21
九楼的风景2010-07-13 01:11:09
我有问过几个, 他们都说it is hard to say. 所以我也不知道该怎么办了
夏奈尔2010-07-13 04:10:09
OneMoreTime2010-07-13 04:39:20
爱玩2010-07-13 04:48:23
九楼的风景2010-07-13 06:53:25
我也明白这个道理, 可是我是想回国就不再回来了, 所以我才犹豫
九楼的风景2010-07-13 06:57:08
cheerfulcats2010-07-13 08:44:01