bellbellballball2011-11-30 15:45:50
Dear Friends,

I contacted the animal control officer of the city yesterday via email and he got back to me this morning saying he will call me this afternoon, I would like to ask advice from all of you what I should say. The reason I contact him first is to make sure I have a version of story from my side before the neighbor try to contact him to give him a different version. I think the best way is to make him feel sorry for us because we are the victim of neighbor who does not leash her dog all the time. Anyway, I am not saying that our dog bite another dog is right but what I want to emphasize is that this can be avoided if we all obey the rules of the city" leash your dog anytime".
What I will try to mention is:
1. We live in the community and we all want to have a good quality of life including ourselves and our pets, therefore any action should be taken to leash our dog.
2. The incident could have avoided if her dog is leash.
3. We are very nice to pay the vet bill without questioning, for a family like us with two small kids, 1600 dollars put stress on our family finance and I could have used this money for many educational materials for my kids but not on vet bill.
4. I am so afraid that this is going to happen again therefore I will muzzle my dog while walk him in the park.
5. I hope all the dog owners obey this leash rule in the city therefore we won't be a victim again to pay vet bill because of the size of our dog.
Anyway, I am crazy busy now with many other things, please advice and correct whatever you think is nonsense from above, I need to get my head clear before talking to animal officer. Thanks everyone !
Tailang Mum
舞女2011-11-30 16:11:55
猫狗大妈2011-11-30 16:14:37
You made good points! You should not pay a penny, but for the sa
猫狗大妈2011-11-30 16:24:30
but for the sake of huminity, now you could ask for a refund!
舞女2011-11-30 16:46:37
Churchill2011-11-30 16:55:15
要求退款之事,你的律师怎么考虑?有建议吗?如果可以,就大胆要求退款。找animal control是明智之举
闲着~2011-11-30 17:12:33
ding! Plus, 妹妹的英文很流畅,让我们放心不少。:)什么都不怕了。
苏北土猫2011-11-30 17:37:16
猫狗大妈2011-11-30 18:08:16
猫狗大妈2011-11-30 18:10:17
苏北土猫2011-11-30 18:16:48
脂肪豆2011-11-30 18:21:31
脂肪豆2011-11-30 18:23:02
猫狗大妈2011-11-30 20:34:56
也来凑凑热闹2011-12-01 01:41:17