煮鸡蛋2019-07-15 17:33:12


下面这张,angle of each individual image in this picture is accurate - as the camera recorded it (I mean, relatively accurate, depending on how truly horizontal the camera was set. Each taken with 300mm lens + 1.4 Magnifier).

Therefore the picture shows the kind of path - left down first - that the moon traveled across the sun, as seen from where we were observing (USA). 

At the same time, the sun was moving through the sky in a NEE to SWW direction - due to rotation of the earth. It appeared to have moved approximately 2/3 of its size in diameter during the totality (around 3 minutes).

seattlelotus2019-07-15 19:22:34
记得呀,我也去了Oregon 拍,很神奇的大自然