alwaysluck2022-05-06 21:15:38

"Roe was egregiously wrong from the start," 这是要推翻Roe v Wade判例draft中的第一句话

在参议会听证会上,手按圣经对上帝宣誓过的大法官们,面对全美直播下,红口白牙地回答对Roe v Wade判例的看法:

怎么现在变成“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,"?他们这不是在玩弄法律吗?还有什么integrity?truth?decency?

Neil Gorsuch (2017):took the uncontroversial line that Roe is a precedent. Precedent is the "anchor of law," he said. "It is the starting place for a judge."

"I would tell you that Roe v. Wade, decided in 1973, is a precedent of the United States Supreme Court. It has been reaffirmed," he said. "A good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court worthy as treatment of precedent like any other."

Brett Kavanaugh (2018):"It is settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court, entitled the respect under principles of stare decisis," he said. "The Supreme Court has recognized the right to abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade case. It has reaffirmed it many times."

Samuel Alito (2006):"Roe v. Wade is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. It was decided in 1973, so it has been on the books for a long time," he said. "It is a precedent that has now been on the books for several decades. It has been challenged. It has been reaffirmed. But it is an issue that is involved in litigation now at all levels."

未完的歌2022-05-06 21:41:17
说是先例(precedent) 就代表以后不能推翻?这些严谨滴水不漏的大法官们不会那么傻叫你们抓住把柄吧。哈哈。
alwaysluck2022-05-06 21:51:18
拜托你一字一句读一下英文吧!这些如何与egregious wrong from the start 联系起来?请解释一下
未完的歌2022-05-06 22:03:48
alwaysluck2022-05-06 22:21:45
美国是判例法系,以先前案例判案。说Roe是先例,是anchor of law, 又reaffirmed, 你说什么意思?
未完的歌2022-05-06 22:49:58
SwiperTheFox2022-05-06 23:10:38
先例是可以推翻, 但是在判决中占有极大的权重。如果需要推翻慎重的考虑, 何况Roe是经过几十次判决反复认证过的法律。
未完的歌2022-05-06 23:16:13
未完的歌2022-05-06 23:19:17
在听证会上,为什么他们不说和回避这是“super precedent." 你看不出来?
SwiperTheFox2022-05-06 23:29:51
我听不听出来不是关键,关键他们是撒了谎, 比如Susan Collin 和 Murkowski 相信了他们, 投了赞成票
SwiperTheFox2022-05-06 23:33:37
知道跟你说的再明白也没用:阿利托在听证会上说: 以前反堕胎的言论是当时作为客户律师的职责,作为法官,需要重新审视这个问题
未完的歌2022-05-06 23:42:26
alwaysluck2022-05-07 00:06:03
未完的歌2022-05-07 00:16:27
听证会如何回答问题,太有技巧了。前些日子拜登提名的大法官人选拒绝定义“女人” ,理由是她不是生物学家
未完的歌2022-05-07 00:19:36
alwaysluck2022-05-07 00:31:12
alwaysluck2022-05-07 00:33:34
未完的歌2022-05-07 01:29:11
alwaysluck2022-05-07 02:14:22
未完的歌2022-05-07 02:48:20
alwaysluck2022-05-07 03:44:47
你把Roe v Wade案例好好分析过吗?你对高院每一次reaffirm的结论都看过没有?
alwaysluck2022-05-07 03:48:37