巴黎到罗马2022-09-26 07:29:25

在希腊租车一周,Athens AirPort 提车,Peloponnese,Meteora,最后在Rafina port还车。以下是我和租车公司的对话:

The total cost 250€ and includes all taxes, unlimited mileage, collision damage waiver over 900€ 以上碰撞损失, 24h road assistance。

If you don't take AMex (因为用运通卡付款只需要基本保险,运通卡保其余), then are there extra charges for full coverage and zero-deductible and what are they? 我问他如果不收运通卡,“零垫底费”另外收多少。

American Express is not acceptable. Only Visa and Mastercard or cash. If you want full damage waiver without excess there is 120€ extra charge. 经理回答 120欧。

我感觉需要“零垫底 zero-deductible”全险、不能只买collision damage。

巴黎到罗马2022-09-26 07:33:24
云燕假日2022-09-26 11:30:58
巴黎到罗马2022-09-26 13:01:11
威伯2022-09-27 05:16:05
巴黎到罗马2022-09-27 05:54:15