想去Algonquin Park 阿昆冈公园看红叶, 从美国飞去, 后知后觉才发现需要买car permit。 问题这个周末的已经卖完了。
1。 我需要到机场租到车以后, 才能知道license plate, 那在安省公园买car permit, 都需要知道license plate,那我在租到车之前, 咋买车permit?
2. 这周二, 10/11/2022, 去阿昆冈看叶子, 是不是叶子都掉完了? 没啥看头了?
现在查叶子, 10/3/2022, 已经红了80%, 掉了20%. 不知道,10/11/2022 去还有叶子吗? 8, 9 , 10 号三天的car permit 已经sold out了。
Algonquin - Report Date : October 3, 2022
Dominant Colour : Red/Orange
Colour Change : 80 - Leaf Fall : 20
Best viewing : There are spectacular viewing opportunities throughout Algonquin Provincial Park along the Highway 60 Corridor and other access points, such as the Park's trails and day use areas. Obtain your daily vehicle permit up to five days in advance to guarantee your access to the park. Please use designated parking areas. Do not park on the side of the road, which is dangerous and illegal.