11月我发过两贴请教大咖们新买的出租屋租给哪个申请人好,结果11月23号租给了大家一致推荐的那一对小两口, 见我旧贴: https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/tzlc/1535745.html
昨天下午收到女的,那个菲律宾occupational therapist 短信:Happy New Year!
I wanted to reach out to let you know how excited and happy we are to have the house. we have worked to make it a home, and my daugher and I are excited we have a place to call ours since we have been with my parents for a few years now. Especially since they are allergic to fur. she has a dog at her dads house but doesn’t get to see her dog that often due to school activities on weekends.
I checked the lease and didn’t see any pet requirements, but wanted to reach out to make sure it’s ok if we get a dog at this property. I had promised her that when we moved out we could look into getting a pet so I wanted to check with you before we go ahead and adopt.
Thank you.
原来女的16岁的女儿有个狗狗现养在她爸那里,女孩因为和母亲一起住grandparents家而外公外婆说毛发过敏所以几年来只能在周末去他爹那看看狗,现在他们仨都很喜欢这个房子,所以现在想问问说能不能把这狗狗adopt 回来这个房子。
鉴于这个新租客表现so far so good, 女的曾经短信告诉我她收到的我的信件提醒我拿,她12月30号就主动来zelle 一月份的租金, 给我我印象还不错,据说美国六成家庭的人都养狗,完全不让租客养狗那也是不现实的,我打电话请教了下我租房经纪因为她自己也有一大堆房子出租呢,她说她大约一半租客有狗一半没有,有狗的,她统统收500刀pet deposit, 将来搬出时候可以扣钱来修修狗狗的房屋破坏,她建议我做个favor 让租客小孩养狗狗算了,条件是
只一条狗, 是small or medium size 就是30, 40磅的狗狗,并且zelle pet depostit 500刀, 然后我附上一个lease amendment ,请小两口双方都签了, 我们也签了,这样我们就关于她提的新要求可以有一个modified lease amendment 来取代11月签的旧租约。
牢牢记住朽哥说的:当地主不要太计较小处,只要大方向ok 一些小要求咱都尽量满足,大方向是啥,对地主来说最重要的不就是乖乖准时付房租吗?只要他好好准时付钱的都是好租客,咱都要尽量留客是不是?哈哈大过年的予人方便与己方便嘛!