meowi2022-04-27 20:11:19

I am buying a 500K house for rental.  I got a quote ( months ago) for 4.875% 30 year fixed with 0.25 point.  or I can pay cash.  Not sure what I am going to do with the cash now if I use loan.  wait for CD?

If I cash pay, I am thinking to do cashout refi later when the housing market is coming down.  

But I learnt from TZ, for investment in RE, one should always to use loan.   So I am not sure how to proceed.  

Please give me some idea?


退出江湖2022-04-27 20:25:41
新手地主刚上路2022-04-27 20:40:44
长生有容2022-04-27 20:41:16
如果买了这个还有大把现金在手,拿现金买。等房价掉,能cashout refi 贷出来的钱也少多了,可能也不容易了。
meowi2022-04-27 20:41:26
I know. it may get higher in May.
meowi2022-04-27 20:43:19
No, I only have this 500K cash.
meowi2022-04-27 20:44:15
why? Can you give a reason?
老胖妞爱小肥羊2022-04-27 20:52:19
Cash offer 有时候会有good deal, 也可以在竞争激烈的情况下,让你脱颖而出。
新手地主刚上路2022-04-27 20:59:06
Rate is less than inflation
长生有容2022-04-27 20:59:13
新手地主刚上路2022-04-27 20:59:34
Save some cash at hand for more opportunities
长生有容2022-04-27 21:01:19
Cash offer 不一定有good deal,不过同样价格的话比较有竞争力。
meowi2022-04-27 21:34:28
meowi2022-04-27 21:36:36
it is a done deal. no competition
meowi2022-04-27 21:37:01
meowi2022-04-27 21:37:01
hhtt2022-04-27 21:50:04
不知我这破唱片还要放几次,你们才能明白? 从投资角度来看,首付越少越好,贷款越大越好,贷款期限越长越好!
jjj72022-04-27 21:51:15
loan. The rate is nothing in long run
meowi2022-04-27 22:18:40
:) I love to hear your CD playing, it is priceless! thanks
meowi2022-04-27 22:19:03
got it, thanks.
玻璃坊2022-04-27 22:29:55
meowi2022-04-27 22:59:43
you are right. get it. thanks
meowi2022-04-27 23:11:45
Thank you for all, but I thought is....
huhu882022-04-27 23:36:53
不声不响2022-04-27 23:49:00
wait for opportunity to buy more
退出江湖2022-04-27 23:51:33
玻璃坊2022-04-28 00:19:44
What if the market is down by the end of the year?
小小主2022-04-28 01:21:00