上个星期找了一个AC guy检查,也查了control board,说都没问题,freon也不少不漏。今天来estimate insulation的人(他们也做AC)说这种时好时坏的不好查,有可能control board,不如换了。然后他看了后,说我的furnace已经二十多年了,不值得投资好几百在一个二十多年的furnace上,不如换新的。下面是他给的quote,大家给看看,他有没有忽悠我?另外,我的HVAC是两套,楼上楼下各一套
Activity Description Qty Rate Amount HVAC:FurnaRemove existing furnace & 2 3,449.00 6,898.00T replace with New Install new 3 ton AMANA high efficiency furnace install new gas pipe from the furnace to the shit off valve install new flue pipe through the roof Install new furnace stand with vibration isolators so that you cannot hear it running install new control wirin for new furnace WARRANTY Lifetime Heat Exchanger 10 years all parts 1 year labor ____________________________________________________________________________ SubTotal: $6,898.00 Tax: $0.00 -------------------------------------- Total: $6,898.00