katie072022-08-29 23:49:27
Redrockmm2022-08-29 23:56:39
No, if you did not report before the event happened
攀攀妈的房产经2022-08-30 00:30:24
kungfutea2022-08-30 01:18:05
如果有证据可以找邻居要他们的保险,保险公司会determine是act of god还是邻居的错
柠檬椰子汁2022-08-30 02:52:06
The question of control
katie072022-08-30 03:13:18
感谢以上各位的答复,我的邻居人真是非常非常nice, 他说很抱歉给我们带来的麻烦,他会联系他的保险,尽快处理好一切。谢谢
柠檬椰子汁2022-08-30 04:40:51
His insurance won't pay.
littletiger12022-08-30 05:37:24
what do you mean "if you did not report before the event hap
oldmansea2022-08-30 10:34:52