Smilee2022-10-21 22:05:00
买了八个星期的 T-bill,到期了,想换成四个星期的。有什么办法直接买吗?
还是一定要换到银行或者Treasury 放一个星期才能再买?
好心态2022-10-21 23:07:10
Smilee2022-10-21 23:14:00
谢谢, 我是在 TreasuryDirect
Smilee2022-10-21 23:22:00
那我是不是选择 8 weeks mature destination to “ zero-percent C of l”, th
Smilee2022-10-21 23:23:00
then select purchasing 4 weeks T-bill on the same date from “zer
Smilee2022-10-21 23:24:00
“zero percent c if I”
Smilee2022-10-21 23:25:00
the issue is I have no money in the account until 8 month t-bill
Smilee2022-10-21 23:26:00
matures on the day
Smilee2022-10-21 23:26:00
the same day transaction
Smilee2022-10-21 23:27:00
for maturity and purchasing new bill. is there any issue?
Smilee2022-10-21 23:27:00
WXC keeps cutting my typing off
Smilee2022-10-22 00:11:00
Parkbrooke2022-10-22 00:25:19
最好在brokerage firm买,方便. Fidelity, Vanguard, Charles Schwab
Smilee2022-10-22 00:33:55
Can you buy 4 weeks t-bill? Fidelity starts at 3 month
好心态2022-10-22 00:38:44
Yes, you can buy 4 weeks T-Bill in your Fidelity account.
好心态2022-10-22 00:39:07
No issues at all
好心态2022-10-22 00:41:24
You can buy pretty much any terms of T-Bill in Fidelity.
Smilee2022-10-22 00:50:12
Thank you
Smilee2022-10-22 00:51:13
Saw all the replies. Thank you very much
好心态2022-10-22 00:52:33
Of course, anytime
Smilee2022-10-22 00:59:30
New issue in Fidelity, only find 5 options, 01/26/2023 matur
Smilee2022-10-22 01:01:00
Can't find anything with maturity in 4 weeks.
好心态2022-10-22 01:02:54
I was able to buy 4wks T-Bill in my account
MrsKwok2022-10-22 01:05:12
T bill 指的就是treasury bond 吗?和CD并排的那个。我是在fidelity 开户。
Smilee2022-10-22 01:23:09
Will call Fidelity. Thank you.
Smilee2022-10-22 01:24:05
Bill, Notes, Bonds
MrsKwok2022-10-22 01:42:32