谢谢了9992009-04-28 20:37:47
from the post below, you are familer with Kent area. could you please give me some advice? we are thinking moving to Kent/ East Sussex border. I have no idea about Kent, but we would like our child to go to Grammer schools in Kent. We don't have this type of selective school in our county. my son is prepare for the 11+ exam. do you know any good area near or easy to get to Judd School or The Skinners? near A26 will be good.
emmmm2009-04-29 07:36:48
回复:接下贴请教Emmm about Kent Tunbridge Wells area
肖蔚为2009-04-29 10:43:29
Welcome to Kent~~~
肖蔚为2009-04-29 10:45:41
for 11+ and school info., try http://www.elevenplusexams.co.uk/
toploader2009-04-29 13:01:40
welcome to kent too!
谢谢了9992009-04-29 17:41:37