Dr. Guo, Dr. Leung 和其他人的科研成果,建立在数据,统计模型和统计分析之上,别人很容易重复和独立验证或反驳这些结论。不同的学者结论不同·,比较难达到共识。我们紫檀也是有不同的观点争鸣。
“Elite college attendance significantly impacts students' entrepreneurship decisions and career dynamics. We find that an elite college degree is positively correlated with entrepreneurship (i.e., owning an incorporated business) but not with other self-employment forms.”
“However, calculating the “elite college premium” is not straightforward, as elite college students are positively selected in terms of their ability and family background (Chetty, Friedman, Saez, Turner, and Yagan (2020)). Dale and Krueger (2002) argue that there is no earning differential between elite college graduates and ordinary college graduates after controlling for college selectivity. Thus, the implied elite college premium is negative, as elite colleges charge much higher tuition fees than ordinary colleges. Numerous studies debate these findings (e.g., Black and Smith (2004, 2006), Dale and Krueger (2014), Hoxby (2009), Ge, Isaac, and Miller (2018)).3”