我们的分析考察了 2011 年至 2020 年间在美国 368 所授予博士学位的大学中聘用的终身教职或终身教职的教职员工,每个教职员工都标有其博士大学、博士学位年份、教职员工等级和性别。要包含在我们的分析中,教授必须是在大多数抽样年份出现的系的终身教职或终身教职的成员,这在 10,612 个系中产生 n = 295,089 教员。
Our analysis examines tenured or tenure-track faculty employed in the years 2011–2020 at 368 PhD-granting universities in the United States, each of whom is annotated by their doctoral university, year of doctorate, faculty rank and gender. To be included in our analysis, a professor must be a member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty at a department that appears in the majority of sampled years, which yields n = 295,089 faculty in 10,612 department