wonderful882022-09-27 21:13:18

Goldman Sachs revived its practice of terminating its low performers in mass layoffs last week, after suspending the practice during the pandemic.

The new round of cuts come after a 41% year-over-year decline in revenue for the Wall Street investment bank was revealed in July. Last year around this time, the company was hiking salaries and bonuses to attract talent.

The cuts came at all levels and in all divisions, with layoffs in the technology, media, and telecommunications team, operating out of New York and San Francisco, including Matt Gibson, a global co-head of the division, and Barry O’Brien, co-chief operating officer, according to Business Insider.

The consumer retail, industrial, and healthcare divisions are also facing cuts.


ginger20032022-09-27 21:14:53
高盛Revenue 减少了41%。
wonderful882022-09-27 21:16:30
这光景 trading (quant or TA 型)公司和部门越来越香了,不仅高薪还是稳定
ginger20032022-09-27 21:17:15
年底发 bonus前,很多公司都会有大规模的 layoff。
dancinghorse2022-09-27 21:24:13
徽州老家2022-09-27 21:35:48
TA, FA啥意思?
LilyBD2022-09-27 21:37:00
高新可能,怎么可能稳定,quant 也是跟着股市走,一个fund 需要钱才能trade. 矿都没了,还要矿工?
BeLe2022-09-27 21:38:09
TA = technical analysis,FA = fundamental analysis
徽州老家2022-09-27 21:38:57
LilyBD2022-09-27 21:39:00
好年景,新fund launch 如雨后春笋。老fund assets 滚雪球。坏年景,merger , liquidation
LilyBD2022-09-27 21:41:00
几轮之后,会少了很多。小hedge funds , PE 能不能活下来都是问题。
BeLe2022-09-27 21:46:32
你说的是quant HF,子坛孩子多数去的是prop shops,他们靠market making 挣钱。
icando22022-09-27 21:47:57
徽州老家2022-09-27 21:50:29
BeLe2022-09-27 21:52:39
wonderful882022-09-27 22:02:40
广义上的 HF分很多类,有一类和股市涨跌关系不大,这类
吹着吹着就牛了2022-09-27 22:06:13
julie1162022-09-27 22:08:40
fish1002022-09-27 22:59:05
徽州老家2022-09-27 23:44:25