University of Texas at Austin 是非常好的大学,特别是她的能源专业,在全美是最好的。去年夏天CREDIT SUISSE 在University of Texas at Austin招了3 名Intern。
这里告诉大家一个很容易的方法,就可以让你的孩子上University of Texas at Austin。只你的孩子在Texas 高中毕业,并取得 top 10 percent rank. 注意这里说的‘高中’是 any public high school。这就是德州的‘Top 10 percent law’. It uses class rank as the single measure of merit, guarantees admission to any public college or university in the state for Texas students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their high school classes.
如果你的孩子不能得到top 10 percent就不能guarantees,这就是上好高中的麻烦。The 'Top 10 percent law’wants more students from poor high school.