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我想把WIN VISTA给删除,我想恢复到WIN XP,我应该怎么样做呢?
买来60G,啥也没干,就只剩51G,想把那个rescue/recovery的hidden partition调出来,但是在WIN VISTA下好象怎么也弄不出来了,要怎么做才行啊,WIN VISTA太差劲了.在WIN VISTA下好多软件都不工作,象什么PARTITION MAGIC之类的东东,还有IBM的TOUCH PAD也不能工作了.弄得我简直是欲哭无泪啊, WIN VISTA真的不是一个好东东,装的时候还要求15G的硬盘.真的是一个对普通用户根本只有害处没有好处的一个操作系统.大家帮我想想办法,怎么样把IBM的RECOVERY的PARTITION弄出来,让我能删除WIN VISTA啊?我先谢谢了
I called customer support, they said they will mail me a CD
回复:I called customer support, they said they will mail me a C
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回复:Yes, it is free, but I called them last Saturday
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