daozhu2008-11-15 20:53:14
computers which are in the same network?
I share a internet with people, and I feel that the internet owner seems like know what I do in my computer. and how do I prevent the owner from viewing my information? thanks a lot for answering
daozhu2008-11-15 21:06:18
I mean at home not in the company
用户名被占用了2008-11-15 21:22:48
yes they can if they want. you have unique MAC address
用户名被占用了2008-11-15 21:23:24
but in realty, not many people are capable of doing this
daozhu2008-11-15 21:36:29
thanks for answering
novtim22008-11-16 04:42:32
he who controls the route knows everything
daozhu2008-11-16 17:12:30
thanks a lot for your advice