singwhilewalking2008-12-29 01:05:06
I bought a 22 inch acer monitor and connected it to my dell laptop computer. I can not see any movie from the new monitor although I can see it from my laptop screen. Can somebody help me out? Thanks a lot!
nuxrl2008-12-29 02:09:54
did you switch your display to the external monitor?
yahoobb2008-12-29 02:35:49
absolute not!
singwhilewalking2008-12-29 02:42:05
I can see images and other contents, but not movie
singwhilewalking2008-12-29 02:48:01
I just found that I can see the files end with .mov, but not the
enchanted2008-12-29 18:04:51
回复:I can not see any movie from my new monitor