singwhilewalking2008-04-04 23:09:59
【From LIA】关于五月VB, LIA 和奥本海穆的最新通讯

前几天,一些移民律师预测中国的EB2因为需求过量而会在五月VB里 Unavailable。昨

今天(4/4),LIA 在芝加哥的一位口语能力很强的成员在上周和 Oppenheim 通话后,
五月中国的EB2不会U,而且反复强调中印EB2的cut-off dates 会一样。

。那么我们前几天估计的中国EB2的U将得到改善。至于说cut off dates和老印一样是

经代表我们向DOS提出了针对visa number 分配问题的质询,所以Oppenheim 肯定已经

附录:LIA 成员和Oppenheim 的通话记录

1) What's your estimate on May Visa Bulletin for employment based category 1
, 2 and 3?
O: EB-1 will stay current for all. EB-2 world-wide will stay current.
There will be slight movement for EB-2 China AND India, but they'll have the
same cut-off date. For EB-3, there'll be slight movement as well.

2) So by saying "slight movement", do you mean a month or could you specify
the date?
O: Sorry I can't tell you the exact date. As I said, there will be slight
movement for both EB2 China and EB2 India.

3) There has been some rumor around saying that both China and India EB-2
will become unavailable in May?
O: No, that'll probably happen at the end of this FY, but not in May. Right
now I don't see we need to make that adjustment yet.

4) I guess many people will be glad to know there will be movement for all.
When can we expect to see the official May visa bulletin?
O: That will come out sometime next Tuesday or Wednesday.