casun2222022-09-22 14:27:24

请教上个星期做年俭screening mammogram, 以下是关于左边breast的报告:



Left breast:

There is an oval 12 mm asymmetry left retroareolar region 3 cm from the nipple left craniocaudal tomo slice.

There is no architectural distortion. There is no skin or nipple retraction. No morphologically suspicious-appearing calcifications are identified.



Recommend left 3-D diagnostic mammography and targeted sonography of the 12 mm left retroareolar asymmetry craniocaudal projection.“


radiologist医生建议再做一个diagnostic mammography 以及ultrasound. 我有以下担心和问题:

 1. 若我下星期根据医生建议去再做一个mammogram, 在这么短两个星期内做二个mammograms, 是否有暴露更多radiation(辐射)的危害一般要等多長时间再做另一个diagnostic mammogram?

 2. 我是否可以只先做breast ultrasound 而不做diagnostic mammogram? 等若ultrasound 结果不正常再做diagnostic mammogram?


julie1162022-09-22 17:07:02
pickshell2022-09-22 18:28:59
不明白,mammogram辐射量也就0.5左右 mSv,有那么可怕?
51812022-09-22 21:03:05
seabreeze662022-09-22 22:00:32
如果有条件的话以后可以考虑去好一些的医院,3-D is by default. 就免做两回照射了。
无法弄2022-09-22 23:19:16
Mammogram 测得比较准,你赶快多吃些海带吧,消除radiation的影响