底特律網站上我的檔案號已經在visa ready to issue下 但遲遲未收到寄護照的通知 上回您建議我要有耐心繼續等 但我想是不是可以我直接就帶著護照去底特律visa office 呢 因為網站上說 the number list below please mail your "passport" "fees and form" and "landing fee" to our office ASAP,
所以即使我並沒有收到任何的信(或是Visa office本來就不會再發信出來? 我記得面試時面試官告訴我就直接查網站) 是不是只要直接帶著這三樣東西去底特律VISA OFFICE 他們就會發簽證給我了呢 ? I try to call them and fax them , but no body answer the phone or give me a fax back.....
please help, i don't want to keep waitting if i can do something by myself first