Foggy2005-07-21 22:42:44
I remmebered the processing date from CSC website:
06/23/2005, NIW-140: 04/01/2005; 485:04/01/2005
07/07/2005, NIW-140: 4/25/2005; 485: 04/01/2005
07/20/2005, NIW-140:4/25/2005; 485:04/01/2005

Anyone including the lawyer who read this know why they stop the processing? Did anyone who filed in May get approved,which happened in TSC ? Thanks for sharing the information.
howareyou2005-07-22 01:21:54
The same thing for VSC
Andyou?2005-07-22 06:01:39
I filed in April, no response
howareyou2005-07-22 14:40:58
someone said due to July 4th