onlinehelp2005-07-23 16:04:42
小弟我几年前在美国Ohio Columbus被诉离婚, 不过从未收到离婚判决, 当时不懂也没在意. 现在刚刚再结婚,但我怎么得到一份离婚判决. 十分谢谢各位
before再婚?2005-07-23 17:55:04
Don't u have to show 离婚判决
头大的事2005-07-23 21:14:25
回复:Don't u have to show 离婚判决
头大的事2005-07-23 21:15:50
回复:Don't u have to show 离婚判决
YuMeng2005-07-24 06:34:25
marriage is simple, fast here,
12536456782005-07-24 17:00:31
it should be public record
onlinehelp2005-07-25 02:45:32
回复:it should be public record