jiajun2005-08-18 15:40:49

I did my H1B visa interview today. US consulate did not return my original I797 form. Is that normal or I need to take it back?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
jiajun2005-08-18 17:53:36
回复:H1 visa interview.
sdfsdfsdff2005-08-18 18:08:12
回复:H1 visa interview.
asked?2005-08-18 18:59:57
Could you let me know Qs they
jiajun2005-08-18 19:06:15
回复:Could you let me know Qs they
Jiajun2005-08-18 19:08:10
回复:回复:H1 visa interview.
entries1yr2005-08-18 19:50:56
XieXieLa! Did you get mutiple
coco88262005-08-18 20:53:36
what is pay tubs?
CityLover2005-08-18 22:21:27
Pay Check's botttom part
coco88262005-08-19 00:29:51
回复:Pay Check's botttom part
jiajun2005-08-19 18:33:58
2 entries within 3 months.
iwant2know2005-08-20 16:44:13
回复:回复:Could you let me know Qs they