CajunGirl2005-10-08 00:55:46
I was very shocked to find out that my PERM petition is denied this morning. My lawyer submitted my petition online Sept 20, 2005. I check case status every day, today it's changed from "In Process" to "Denied". Both my lawyer and I don't know why. I work in a big utility comany corporate office in Louisiana (700+ employee all over US), with 3000+ all over the world. I am in HR department, Master Degree in HR, EB2, employer has been VERY helpful and we followed all the rules, no short-cuts, and conducted a comprehensive recruiting...

So frastrating... DOL didn't even bother to audit before they (or the computer) make judgement. I had worked for the same company for almost 5 years, company sponsored RIR YEARS ago, but my case was sent to the Back Log with no answer. H1 only has 1 year left. Any dear brothers and sisters had the same experience recently? Any leads for me? Appreciated!! The only suspicious possibility is that one day our receptionist she received a call from DOL looking for my boss, the receptionist told DOL my boss is overseas in UK...and they ended the conversation.
xbzg2005-10-08 01:31:24
Is because you applied EB-2?
CajunGirl2005-10-08 01:45:48
回复:Is because you applied EB-2?
haloha2005-10-08 01:53:03
回复:回复:Is because you applied EB-2?
takeone2005-10-08 02:29:26
回复:because your RIR
找不到老美来做?2005-10-08 03:08:36
想不到HR也能办Labor Certificate. 但为啥
井底之蛙真可笑2005-10-08 04:14:44
NotLawyer2005-10-08 08:06:18
read this
NotLawyer2005-10-08 08:09:28
回复:read this
hardJob22005-10-09 18:56:40
DIY expert, cool!
CajunGirl2005-10-10 01:02:13
回复:回复:回复:Is because you applied EB-2?
CajunGirl2005-10-10 01:09:36
回复:read this
Triesbut2005-10-10 03:50:36
回复:回复:回复:回复:Is because you applied EB-2?