ReallyWantToKnow2006-03-21 06:26:09
I plan to go back to China for a few months from June to October this year. I'm currently holding H1-B visa (status). My H1-B expires on Dec 30 2006 and this is my sixth year of H1-B. My question is: when I reenter US in October 2006, will there be any problem since my H1-B will expire in two months?

Thanks for any replies and comments!
xiaobaitu2006-03-21 06:30:03
If CIS officer find out it ,you can't enter USA
ReallyWantToKnow2006-03-21 06:34:27
Why? What is CIS?
mytwocents2006-03-21 14:20:11
No problem, if you carry a valid visa.