meemee2006-05-02 20:38:11
Just got the following notice from Online Case Status Checking: for I-485

"Our last written notice in this case was returned as undeliverable by the post office on April 25, 2006. To update the mailing address so this notice can be re-sent, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283."

It does not tell if the case is "Approved" or "Denied". I updated the address last year and do not know why this happened and will want to know what this notice hints me. If this is Approved or Denied, it will notify me through email no matter my address is deliverable or not, right? Anybody who can give me an advice? Thanks a lot.

bless1234562006-05-02 21:23:59
回复:What is I-485 notice mean? Ask help from expert!!!
meemee2006-05-02 21:38:07
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bless1234562006-05-02 21:42:52
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meemee2006-05-02 22:00:08
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bless1234562006-05-02 22:11:03
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meemee2006-05-02 22:19:51
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bless1234562006-05-02 22:28:26
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meemee2006-05-02 22:39:14
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bless1234562006-05-03 00:58:36
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meemee2006-05-03 01:33:18
radiology2006-05-03 03:28:22