heyheyxiao2003-12-27 01:09:00
Hi friends,

We are currently preparing the filing of I-140 and I-485. According to the lawyer's instructions, we need to provide immunization records for BCIS (Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Polio, TD, Pertussis, Influenza type B, Hepatitis B, varicella, Haempphilus influenza type B, Pneurnococcal vaccines). I know we have taken some of them before, for example, varicella, measles ect. However, we do NOT have any record at hand. So what should we do to meet the requirements of the immunization documents? Retake all vaccines or just simply write the dates ourselvies, or get them in China? I greatly appreciate any response if you are willing to share your experience and ideas.

Thanks again and happy holidays to you all!!!

dan7122003-12-27 17:13:00
heyheyxiao2003-12-28 03:59:00
Thanks you so much, dan712.
一项一项指导2003-12-30 05:59:00