davidguo2006-06-13 20:25:41
I applied for GC through both LC (EB-2)and NIW. I just got my 45-day's letter for my LC. And my I-140 of NIW has been approved. The PD of my LC (3/27/2005) is 9 months earlier than that of my NIW (12/22/2005). I am optimistic that my PD of LC will become current by the time my LC gets approved. Then I have two choices after my LC gets approved and before my PD of NIW becomes current: file I-140 of LC and I-485 concurrently;or file I-140 of LC and upon approval of my I-140 of LC, file I-485 of NIW by transfering the PD of my LC to my NIW.
Now my question is: which way is a better choice to get the GC earlier? I appreciate your answers!