optquestion2006-06-15 23:30:42
My school told me that it usually takes 4-6 weeks to get OPT approval. However, I just found out the processing data for OPT is still on March 27,2006. Does it mean that I have to wait for almost three months???? The company expects me to begin to work right away. What can I do??? Do I have to get the approval letter or card first?

Thanks for your help. I am waiting online
singwhilewalking2006-06-15 23:34:27
Yes. You have to.
OPTquestion2006-06-15 23:36:10
Thanks, is that true it usually takes 3 month? why my
singwhilewalking2006-06-15 23:49:57
Talk to the person from internation office or HR in your school