huih2006-07-12 17:55:26
I just saw you replied others below. How long totally for the B-2 can stay? One year or longer. Usually they can get 6 months in entry, and they apply for another 6 months extension. Is it possible to apply extension again?

I know the policy changed and got some confused information. Would you help to clearify? Thank you
xiaobaitu2006-07-12 18:01:22
After Sept 11th,I never saw anybody got secord extension for 6 m
huih2006-07-12 18:04:11
So, 12 mon max, thank you !
110612006-07-12 18:05:30
回复:Xiaobatu, how long the B-2 visa holder can stay in US?
huih2006-07-12 18:18:41
oh, could you give more details? Is there a link of USCIS policy
110612006-07-12 18:38:50
回复:oh, could you give more details? Is there a link of USCIS
huih2006-07-12 18:46:55
When did your friends file the extension? Recent case?
110612006-07-12 19:03:39
回复:When did your friends file the extension? Recent case?
Goodmantoo2006-07-12 20:05:02
I guess they may just lie to you to avoid some illegal case.