DaHeiTu2006-07-13 18:33:15
排期 will be there tomorrow (Friday), around lunch time East Time.

Over the last couple months, it always came out on the second Friday of the month. It was always around launch time East Time. So this time, it will be the same. THE SECOND FRIDAY.

EB1 - C, EB2 - No Move. EB3 - Move 1 month.
狭隘之人2006-07-13 18:41:53
DaHeiTu2006-07-13 18:44:00
胡说八道 -狭隘之人
狭隘之人2006-07-13 18:49:49
never released after 13, and EB2 no move
peter20062006-07-13 18:55:00
July 3rd and July 4th are holidays...
狭隘之人2006-07-13 19:10:29
make sense
radiology2006-07-13 19:32:58