NIW 140 DIY,打算年内递出。请问:
1. 我的offer letter 有写起始聘用期和续聘条件, 雇佣letter也注明了聘用期,会不会影响申请。如果影响,可否不attach?
原文:"a position as a Research Associate in,,University for an initial term of two years effictive date, month, 2006 to date, month, 2008.....with a salaryof ,,,to be funded through my NIH (#...) grant......Renewal of you appointment will be available for the continued availability of funding and satisfactory performance."
2. 因为打算申请fellowship for postdoc ,如果批准,可能必须在fellowship起始时(明年?)换为postdoctoral fellow 的titile。 请问这样是否影响140(如果迄时还没批)或者之后的步骤(485?)?
3.research associate 是否比postdoc的title有利?我是否应尽量keep?