hgd2004-02-01 16:39:00
I have posted my trouble before about EAD exgtension from VSC. My notice day is Oct.16, 2003 and went to the local office on Jan 15, 2003. But so far I didn't get either interim EAD or regular EAD. I have already stayed home for 2 weeks. Dan, can you tell me which local office you went? Thanks!

dan7122004-02-01 17:04:00
回复:ask Dan 712 about EAD
hgd2004-02-01 19:17:00
回复:回复:ask Dan 712 about EAD
dingdingdo2004-02-01 22:27:00
回复:回复:回复:ask Dan 712 about EAD
hgd2004-02-02 02:06:00
dan7122004-02-02 06:05:00