chushengzheng2006-09-09 17:47:24
我140批下来后,我和LP同时递交了485和EAD。现在485 pending.LP的H1六年就要到期了(明年底),如果那时我们的485还没批,她的H1还能延期吗?如果能延期,是要一年一年的延,还是可以一下子延三年呀?

superpower2006-09-09 18:04:36
can be extended, 3 year each time
chushengzheng2006-09-10 03:38:42
That'll be great. Thanks!
mytwocents2006-09-10 20:26:42
You are right. Your wife can only extend H4.
chushengzheng2006-09-10 21:42:37
回复:You are right. Your wife can only extend H4.
mytwocents2006-09-10 22:03:42
Yes. Unless she can get an approved 140 on her behalf
chushengzheng2006-09-11 14:43:48
回复:Yes. Unless she can get an approved 140 on her behalf
mytwocents2006-09-11 15:21:02
CIS originally planed to implement premium processing on both
chushengzheng2006-09-11 18:32:44
Thank you so much! Seems we need to start the process ASAP...