Wilson_su2006-10-18 02:16:30
律师一直和我说的是作EB2,但今天收到9089 才发现职位要求(section H.4)是MASTER, which will lead to EB2. But in Section H.8-A is BACHELOR and H.10 is 1YR.,又看到这里讨论说1YR.的只能归类到EB3,这可一下子就慢好几年呢.我恨死这个律师了,也想问问其他EB3 by PERM 到底是不是这样.万分感谢!

Wait your response!!

Thanks so much!
lzr2006-10-18 02:36:22
it is eb3
Wilson_su2006-10-18 02:46:40
Who have same situation and approved as EB2 in 140??
lzr2006-10-18 14:55:03
fire the lawyer